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Who doesn’t love a crackling campfire and the delicious treat of s’mores? But sometimes, you might find yourself unprepared, like my family did recently on our camping trip. We were craving a campfire dessert, but without the ingredients for s’mores, we had to think creatively.

Enter the campfire ice cream sandwich! Inspired by the boardwalk classic, we decided to try toasting frozen waffles over the fire.

Here’s how we made it work:

  • Toasting the Waffles: We used our trusty marshmallow roasting sticks to hold the frozen waffles over the fire. Once the waffles were crispy and cooked through, we cut them in half to create the “sandwich” base.
  • Ice Cream Filling: Any ice cream flavor you love will work! We grabbed a store-bought carton with clean, simple ingredients, but homemade ice cream would be an amazing touch for future adventures.
  • The Verdict: A hit! Even our five-year-old, initially disappointed about missing out on s’mores, devoured this new treat.

Campfire Ready or Not?

This recipe is a lifesaver for those unprepared moments. But if you have the chance to plan ahead, consider making your own waffles and ice cream. Here’s why:

  • Healthier Choices: You can control the ingredients in your homemade waffles and ice cream, opting for less sugar and more wholesome options.
  • Fresh Flavor: Freshly made waffles and ice cream simply taste amazing!

The Takeaway:

Campfire ice cream sandwiches are a fun and delicious alternative to s’mores. Whether you’re prepared with homemade goodies or making do with store-bought treats, this recipe is sure to be a crowd-pleaser around the campfire!

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